a story about indignant nipple hairs, out of tune air guitars, creased semi-pants and the lonely nights spent in a crusty karaoke bar with the pricks you love

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Small picture of some really lovely herring Smorrebrod from Told & Snaps in Nyhavn, Copenhagen. Pictured here is a tasting plate of Christansø, curried and warm marinated herring with Rugbrod, red onion and caper garnish. Very delicious.

I have a friend named Sam and, as hard as he tries, he could never bring home a girl that smelled this good. Book a flight and check it out.

1 comment:

  1. when making a good first impression,
    9am dates are out of the question,
    smoking cocoa nibs may be absurd,
    cover it up with many a big word.

    mildly attractive girls lead to bad romance,
    maintain a poker face and well, just dance,
    love games with barry white can leave you speechless,
    talk to the paparazzi or bob for a go on peaches.

    when life is rough you can drown in pokal,
    if thats not enough head straight for the mokal,
    for a moment of happiness use a nose cup,
    all the pretty horses may cheer you up.

    start to blog to fill in the time,
    you can have my job when i resign,
    i hope you know this is all for fun,
    but the sam and sild comments cannot be undone.

    as lady gaga says ra ra ra ra ra,
    clever girl, shame she forgets her bra,
    as long as she remembers her legal pads,
    or the slant could be slippy for all the lads.

    all in all we ve had good laughs,
    what with mackeral guf and mackeral flaps,
    so dont be down with lots of woe,
    im collecting money for your prosthetic camels toe.

    i always knew you d be just fine,
    even though you have an iq of nine,
    you turned that frown upside down,
    you deserve a lemon crown.

    we both know the puns could run, and run
    i must do to see jonny tillotson.
